19ELEVEN Renovations 

Custom Painting 

Jack Skellington Custom Art Installation 
19ELEVEN Renovations

Ai Creations from 19Eleven

A fictitious and funny video, made by Fyidelis, depicting the ups and downs of being an arborist (tree guy) in Florida.
19Eleven Renovations

Daily Life as an arborist

Funny video, shot by Fyidelis during his time with Above The Rest Tree Service (ATR), depicting the special bonds and lingo shared between tree guys.  WARNING: NOT FOR CHILDREN : Viewer discretion advised
19Eleven Renovations


Call US today and schedule a consultation for our mural and custom painting services.  Fyidelis, along with our other visionary artists, can bring to life and/or concept any custom paint idea you need.  CONTACT US TODAY! 
19Eleven Renovations

OUR first mural

Everyone starts somewhere, 19Eleven Renovations' artist, Fyidelis, painting our first giant mural.  CALL US TODAY for more information!
19ELEVEN Renovations

Ai Artwork & Concepts

Custom ai work and music production by Fyidelis
19Eleven Renovations

old mural work